Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Our creations

Here's the coasters that Byron painted and the ornament that I did. Too bad it can't stay on the tree - we've had to take off all the breakable ones because the tree falls over "all on its own" at least once a day.

Friday, December 15, 2006

We got the Christmas tree up!

Well, since Byron was off yesterday, we took the opportunity to get some of our Christmas stuff finished - well, after we went out for breakfast, of course! We also went to the "Fire Escape" - a place where you can paint your own potery. I'll post pictures of our after we pick them up on Tuesday.

So the tree is up! Enjoy:

And here's how the tree looked this morning. TIA!!!!!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

It's been a week

Well, it's been a really long week. my back is still hurting, and I'm still on the couch, although I've been able to get up a bit today and work on Christmas Cards. I've been to the chiropractor every day this week. At one point I told him I should probably just move in. The good news (sort of) is that I can finally take some drugs to help with it, since I'm not pregnant. The IUI didn't work. I found out yesterday. So here we go again! Another 10 days of crazy drugs and then another IUI sometime around Christmas.

Tonight we're going to the hockey game between the Vancouver Canucks and Calgary Flames. I know that after 6 years in Calgary we really should be cheering for the home team, but it's just not going to happen! So Byron and I will be cheering for the Canucks, James will be cheering for the Flames and Doug . . . . is still trying to make up his mind? Should be fun. If you happen to be watching Hockey Night in Canada, we'll be sitting way up at the very top.

Not much else going on here. I've been stuck on the couch all week, so it's been pretty boring, actually.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Here I am on the Couch

So I was getting ready to go out today and my back decided to go out. So here I am on the couch. My chiro agreed to see me as an emergency this afternoon, so Byron's coming to pick me up and take me over.

Last night was so much fun! I took two of my girls out for dinner at the Outback and then a movie. They wanted to see Happy Feet, so we went. And being the cool adult I am, I let them pick where they wanted to sit. So there we were, three rows from the front, which I'm sure is what I'm paying for today. The movie was cute, but I don't think I would see it again. I do really want to see The Nativity Story still.

Oh - and I just remembered. It's already December 2! I started Christmas shopping for Byron yesterday. Shhh!!!!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

It's warming up!

It's only -12 today! T-Shirt weather, almost! OK, so it's still cold, and that wind is a killer, but at least things are starting to thaw out, as we can tell by how much windsheild washer fluid we're going through.

It's been a pretty quiet week in the Porritt house. The animals are starting to go crazy because of the cold, but they'll survive. We found our block heater! When this cold snap hit, we couldn't find the cord and were kind of worried that it didn't get put back in after the engine blew up this summer, but then Byron had a flat tires and while it was in for repairs, he got them to look for us, and sure enough it was there! Good thing too, because the next night was something like

Tonight I'm taking a couple of my Grade 6 girls to dinner and a movie. Kind of a rite of passage kind of idea. I'm not sure what we'll see yet. I want to see the Nativity Story, but they're talking about Happy Feet. So we'll see.

This weekend is the first of our Christmas parties - Sunday night with the Staff and Leadership team from the church. Tomorrow I'm going over to Crystal's to work on Christmas cards. My slavemaster of a boss at Starbucks gave me the day off! (But I'm paying for it next week!)

Here's a couple of pictures for you: